Saturday, Dec. 21, 2002 @ 9:30 am
getting shit done, getting my hair did

Well, I've had a productive couple of days. Let's hope it continues. Friday I got all but Jeff's presents wrapped. Well, I'm working on something for K, but that's another story. I got the house cleaned, trimmed the bionic rose bushes, bathed the stinky puppy, finished the laundry, and managed to work 6 hours from home somewhere in there, too.

Jeff's gift is part of a shitload of stereo equipment. He's been saying for christmas and birthdays for a couple of years now that he wants a cd player, or speakers, or a subwoofer, etc. Well, he cashed in this year. It was over a grand (including shipping). Even though for the past years he wasn't getting a real gift, I always made sure he had something to open. Last year it was one of those visor CD holders, with weights in the box to throw him off. This year I got him Metallica's "Black Album," since that's the only one I never got around to getting (not including anything past Black - not interested).

I'm also working on a mix CD for him. It started out as just metal and stuff, like Black Sabbath, Slayer, etc. Then I thought I'd put some bass stuff on there for him to test his new high dollar system - Baby Got Back, My Mind's Playing Tricks on Me, Mothership Connection. He's slowly coming around to liking more than Metallica and Slayer. Don't get me wrong, Metallica and Slayer rock (though some not as much as they did). Anyway, I've got a draft of the song list already saved. Hopefully I'l have time to do it before Tuesday night.

Today I'm getting my hair did. Tonight is our christmas party at missleigh's. I figured I might as well have somewhere to go after getting a blowout. I'm going over a bit early to help with the preparations, and to exchange gifts with Leigh. Oh, and to visit her cat, Moe. I hope everything goes well. There's a meat nazi in the group who might have a problem with the no meat policy. I'm taking my plastic party ashtray to be used, too. I put it out on the patio when I have a party so smokers won't butt-up my yard. I figured if we can put up with the second-hand cancer at their parties, they can deal with a little tofu and GimmeLean.

Well, this is going nowhere fast. Oh, yeah. Josh Homme looks much better in the pics online than in the video for No One Knows. Who made him do his hair that way?

Oh, yeah. I got a google hit for "girl piddle". Bet they were disappointed.

Listening to:

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh