Tuesday, Mar. 26, 2002 @ 5:26 pm
I'm such a follower

Alright. I'm copying MigraineGirl, who copied The Doc...

15 years ago I...
1. was 12 years old.
2. was still called "Schooly" by my older brothers. OK, I'm still called that today. I christened my 12 year old niece "Schooly 2000," and I am "Old School Schooly."
3. was suffering through the beginnings of my lifetime with acne (another nickname from my brother - pizza face).
4. was living with my Dad, brother, brother's wife and niece. Yippee.
5. Was already developing far earlier than my fellow female classmates (yet another nickname - little jugs. See a trend here?).

10 years ago I...
1. got married while in high school.
2. lived in a little duplex with my husband and best friend, missleigh.
3. worked at Little Caesers' pizza, then an Air Force Base.
4. was learning that it wasn't easy being an adult.
5. wore a size 3 and ate whatever I wanted.

5 years ago I...
1. bought our first house.
2. found the carpenter ants, then the termites.
3. had a nervous breakdown.
4. was at a job I hated.
5. was heavier than I wanted to be, though not "overweight" according to the charts.

2 years ago I...
1. bought a treadmill and started getting in shape.
2. discovered yoga.
3. was tired of the Y2K questions whenever anyone found out I was a programmer.
4. was finally in a job I liked, yet was strangely paranoid about it.
5. was beginning to like myself.

1 year ago I...
1. made a pact to go somewhere/anywhere for a long weekend with missleigh.
2. decided to make an effort to see my family more often.
3. celebrated our 10 year anniversary.
4. heard the first rumblings about my 10 year high school reunion.
5. became an aunt again to my nephew, Dylan.

Yesterday I...
1. printed directions to the vegan friendly resataurants in Charleston.
2. downloaded the songs "I Ran" and "You Spin Me Right Round" for the 80s CD I'll burn for the 5 hour drive to SC.
3. had a Klondike Bar, but did not have to bark like a seal for it.
4. deposited our state tax refund check.
5. got through a drag-ass day at work.

Today I...
1. wore my marcasite eternity band (or the rich girl ring as missleigh calls it).
2. got to work before 7:00.
3. got a haircut. Just a trim.
4. burned an 80s CD.
5. got through another drag-ass day.

Tomorrow I will...
1. go to the store to get any last minute snacks or supplies for my trip.
2. watch Felicity.
3. start deciding what clothes to take with me to SC.
4. Cook a chicken carcass for the husband.
>5. get through yet another drag-ass day, dreading the next one.

Five items I have brand loyalty to...
1. Diet Coke
2. Mary Kay foundation/powder
3. Proactiv Solution (acne treatment system)
4. Levi's jeans, thought the Gap is becoming my mistress
5. um, Playtex tampons?

Five snacks I enjoy...
1. apples
2. strawberries
3. Twizzlers
4. Cadbury Creme Eggs (they're not just for easter)
5. cookies (they have to be soft)

Five songs I know all the words to, even without the music...
1. "Precious Things" by Tori Amos
2. "In the Springtime of His Voodoo" by Tori Amos
3. "Little Amsterdam" by Tori Amos
4. "Seek and Destroy" by Metallica
5. "Lodi Dodi" by Doug E. Fresh and Slick Rick ("...cuz it's cool when you cause a cozy condition...")

Five games I like...
1. Solitaire
2. Pictionary
3. Mah Jongg
4. Uno
5. 21

Five albums that changed my life...
1. "Ride the Lightning" Metallica
2. "Under the Pink" Tori Amos
3. "Mama's Gun" Erykah Badu
4. "IV" Led Zeppelin
5. "Walk Among Us" Misfits

Five things I can't live without...
1. Diet Coke
2. lip gloss
3. chocolate
4. computers
5. air conditioning

Five things I would buy with a $1000...
1. as many monthly body massages as that would buy
2. cable modem/service
3. cabinet for my knick nacks & for Jeff's Nascar crap
4. new dishwasher, gas stove, & water heater (Geez, I'm so domestic.)
5. big screen TV so Jeff will shut up about it already

My top five guilty pleasures...
1. reality TV
2. being home alone
3. staying in my pajamas all day
4. chocolate and Diet Coke (they cancel each other out, right?)
5. The Awful Truth on Eonline.com

Top five musicians lately (or who's in the CD player right now?)
1. Tori Amos
2. Erykah Badu
3. Res
4. Marylin Manson
5. Joan Osborne

Top five locations I'd like to run away to...
1. Charleston, SC
2. Birmingham, AL
3. Key West, FL
4. London, England
5. San Francisco, CA

Name five bad habits I have...
1. eating too many sweets
2. too much shopping
3. cutting off the alarm instead of hitting snooze
4. wasting too much time at work
5. putting honesty before tact

Name five people currently on my bad side...
1. John Ashcroft
2. Bob Barr
3. Hildy on Trading Spaces
4. Holly on Real World/Road Rules Challenge (I know, too much TV)
5. Nikka Costa (opening for Britney? What the fuck?)

Name five things I would never wear...
1. lam�
2. fur
3. anything orange
4. anything frou frou (pastel-especially pink, lace, ruffles, etc.)
5. gotta agree with MigraineGirl - those wierdly bleached jeans that seem to be so "hip" now - or the ones that are sparkly or have "Princess" or something equally stupid on the ass.

Name five TV shows you like...
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. That 70s Show
3. Trading Spaces (TLC)
4. Emergency Vets (Animal Planet)
5. Real World

Listening to:

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

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